i have been SICK sick sick the last week. it put a damper on my bloggin
and on my singing and chanting.
what have i been doing?
sleeping and meditating silently, still doing the daily practice but had to modify it...
so i have followed through with my 40 day commitment but due to this crazy sinus infection
that i have been healing from the past week, my throat has needed a rest.
yesterday i meditated down at ocean beach and experienced the magic of watching pods of dolphins frollicking about in the bay!
i immediately felt a shift in my level of compassion for myself and gained perspective on a matter that i had been seeking resolution for. i was able to truly appreciate the simple beauty in nature and to know that i am that. i am that. i am that.
so many changes are happening every day in my world. everything is continuously falling away, into the abyss of the never never land that all moments go.
adyashanti talks about how everything is simultaneously happening and falling away all the time into nothingness. sometimes i can sense particles of this fabric of non-reality (to make a bad analogy) but for the most part those realizations are short lived. everything feels so real and seems to matter so much. my mind is trying to make sense of how it can be that each moment falls away. i know it does.
some part of me knows this.
to be continued...
today is my last day of the 40 day cycle.
i am complete but i will continue each day until i don't
20 October 2013
10 October 2013
Day 28 - Oct 9th C and G - Images of the Golden Mean spiral

Started out this evening's meditation with the shruti box in the key
of Bflat but it sounded wobbly and didn't feel right in my body or with my
voice. I realized that I resonate more with the full octave C (1 high and 1 in the lower octave)
and the fifth of that which is G. I know I have written about this before but last night's meditation
was super interesting...
when i switched to the C and G on the shruti and started humming into my heart, i got a clear
image of the exact spiral as the one above and that it was being hummed into my body and in my
it was so vivid. part of this blog is to record these moments of insight, synchronicity, magic,
and to document what affect this is all having in my body but also what changes are happening in other areas of my life.
more on that in another post...
08 October 2013
Day 26 (Oct. 7th)
tonight i joined in on my roomies weekly group silent meditation practice. holy shit it was powerful.
so much gratitude came welling up from somewhere and overtook me. tears formed in my eyes. i felt so thankful to know they were all sitting there, part of my world. part of my experience right then. just being here, i felt so grateful for all the beauty that is in my life. the friends, the privileged existence i live currently. my work is starting to become a steady flow of people needing my services and for that i am so blessed.
i prayed. i prayed for more clients so that i may be taken care of and create more abundance in my world. stating to the universe that i am open vessel and i am ready for more work and more clients to come my way.
gratitude is not something i have spent a whole lot of time with. i am not convinced it is something to "cultivate" as "they" say. but i think when it comes up authentically, these are times for me to take notice of and relish in. i shared my experience with the group afterward and they listened deeply.
the quality of my experience and perception had changed so much after being in a vibration of gratitude for just a few moments. everyone looked beautiful and shiny and i had a deep sense of ok'ness and love for them all.
this is proof to me that how we are really does create how we experience the world. its quite amazing actually... they didn't change from the beginning to end of meditation but something in me did which completely affected the way i perceived them. crazy shit man.
i'm praying for more gratitude and compassion and raisin' the vibration to that of love so that i may experience the world as that of love.
so much gratitude came welling up from somewhere and overtook me. tears formed in my eyes. i felt so thankful to know they were all sitting there, part of my world. part of my experience right then. just being here, i felt so grateful for all the beauty that is in my life. the friends, the privileged existence i live currently. my work is starting to become a steady flow of people needing my services and for that i am so blessed.
i prayed. i prayed for more clients so that i may be taken care of and create more abundance in my world. stating to the universe that i am open vessel and i am ready for more work and more clients to come my way.
gratitude is not something i have spent a whole lot of time with. i am not convinced it is something to "cultivate" as "they" say. but i think when it comes up authentically, these are times for me to take notice of and relish in. i shared my experience with the group afterward and they listened deeply.
the quality of my experience and perception had changed so much after being in a vibration of gratitude for just a few moments. everyone looked beautiful and shiny and i had a deep sense of ok'ness and love for them all.
this is proof to me that how we are really does create how we experience the world. its quite amazing actually... they didn't change from the beginning to end of meditation but something in me did which completely affected the way i perceived them. crazy shit man.
i'm praying for more gratitude and compassion and raisin' the vibration to that of love so that i may experience the world as that of love.
Day 25 (Oct. 6th)
silent meditation - vocal meditation
in discussion with the fleas that seem to have taken a liking to our house and cats. haven't made any progress yet as to why they won't leave our house. focus strayed on to thoughts of this coming week and weekend. work work work plans camping blah blah
vocal meditations prove to be a means to stay focused in a deep meditative way, unlike being silent.
sitting in silence has other benefits but it seems that using the voice during meditation is a way to keep energy moving and there can still be deep relaxation but b/c i have something to do i am less restless. silent meditations bring up the deep restlessness that has been there my whole life...
what am i trying to get away from?
what am i trying to get out of?
nervous system settling more and more these days. i am filling up more of me and cleaning the house of my body of other energy that isn't mine. fall cleaning. an autumn soul cleaning...
in discussion with the fleas that seem to have taken a liking to our house and cats. haven't made any progress yet as to why they won't leave our house. focus strayed on to thoughts of this coming week and weekend. work work work plans camping blah blah
vocal meditations prove to be a means to stay focused in a deep meditative way, unlike being silent.
sitting in silence has other benefits but it seems that using the voice during meditation is a way to keep energy moving and there can still be deep relaxation but b/c i have something to do i am less restless. silent meditations bring up the deep restlessness that has been there my whole life...
what am i trying to get away from?
what am i trying to get out of?
nervous system settling more and more these days. i am filling up more of me and cleaning the house of my body of other energy that isn't mine. fall cleaning. an autumn soul cleaning...
Day 24 (Oct. 5th)
Honey Flow Farm chanting and sound healing for the yoga class!
today i had the pleasure of chanting in nature (one of my favorite places to sing) for the beginning
and end of honey flow yoga out in jackson, ca.
the beginning of the class I led a chant (using the shruti box as the drone instrument):
om mani padme hum
for self compassion, this tibetan chant is said to contain all chants within it. i led the participants through a journey of opening their voices and placing their hands on their hearts in order to make contact with the heart. i have found this is useful for myself so I am hoping that it also helps others.
at the end of the class while everyone was in final relaxation pose i chanted and used the crystal bowl as the drone. one man fell asleep so this was a sign i did something right...
the combination of making music and singing in nature in this way is really special to me. i wish i would have had more time to really ground into the place itself but i was only there for a short period of time.
being on a farm and eating a meal that literally grew 5 feet away from our table made so much sense to me. so much more connected and congruent then how i normally experience food. singing in nature also makes a lot of sense to me too. i felt so much more grounded and was able to lead a chant which is definitely out of my comfort zone...
today i had the pleasure of chanting in nature (one of my favorite places to sing) for the beginning
and end of honey flow yoga out in jackson, ca.
the beginning of the class I led a chant (using the shruti box as the drone instrument):
om mani padme hum
for self compassion, this tibetan chant is said to contain all chants within it. i led the participants through a journey of opening their voices and placing their hands on their hearts in order to make contact with the heart. i have found this is useful for myself so I am hoping that it also helps others.
at the end of the class while everyone was in final relaxation pose i chanted and used the crystal bowl as the drone. one man fell asleep so this was a sign i did something right...
the combination of making music and singing in nature in this way is really special to me. i wish i would have had more time to really ground into the place itself but i was only there for a short period of time.
being on a farm and eating a meal that literally grew 5 feet away from our table made so much sense to me. so much more connected and congruent then how i normally experience food. singing in nature also makes a lot of sense to me too. i felt so much more grounded and was able to lead a chant which is definitely out of my comfort zone...
07 October 2013
Day 23 (Oct. 4th)
i am including my practice with naia today as my vocal meditation -
we practiced in the courtyard in front of an amazing house, situated on a bluff overlooking the ocean in moss beach.
we chanted the 5 tibetan warrior seed syllables: ah, om, hung, ram, dza. this opens and activiates all chakras and major energy centers in the body.
after going through our set list for our next musical offering we went to the back of the house and sat on the deck that has a clear view of the crashing waves on the beach below. the sound of the waves provided the backdrop for the new chant that we are working on...
om shri maha lakshmi yeh, namaha
divine mother, bless you with the sacred waters
infused with the most beautiful flowers
we practiced in the courtyard in front of an amazing house, situated on a bluff overlooking the ocean in moss beach.
we chanted the 5 tibetan warrior seed syllables: ah, om, hung, ram, dza. this opens and activiates all chakras and major energy centers in the body.
after going through our set list for our next musical offering we went to the back of the house and sat on the deck that has a clear view of the crashing waves on the beach below. the sound of the waves provided the backdrop for the new chant that we are working on...
om shri maha lakshmi yeh, namaha
divine mother, bless you with the sacred waters
infused with the most beautiful flowers
your love is like a sacred river flowing near and far
your beauty’s like a silky river touching near and fear
near and far
near and far
03 October 2013
Day 22 (Oct 3rd)
lots of ah's tonight. releasing more tension in jaw. the ah seems to be
the best thing for it. i'm so tired. a flea interrupted my meditation as
well as my cat and my roommate vacuuming. i was noticing how the
somatic experience of resistance to what is happening is a contraction
and tightening of all major vital energy in the 3rd chakra. i was
experimenting with melting into the experience of complete allowance.
what does the body do when it says yes to everything that's happening?
it completely relaxes. it is not using any energy to fight against what
is happening.
i also chanted the following words:
i am love
i am light
i wanted to send compassion out to a person who i have been resistant to but then stopped myself and realize that i i needed to send it to myself first. this is my practice. to not override my own needs to try and forgive someone else first. i need to love and be gentle on myself and give myself the amount of care and attention before dispersing it out to others. from this place of more self-love i can be discerning as to who or where or what i put energy into. this process of discernment is a work in progress. more subtle information is coming in each day as i continue to do this vocal med. practice.
having more synchronicities and weird things happening to me on a daily basis.
some good, some not so good. but i am deeply trusting in what events are happening in "my" world are in deed needing to...
i also chanted the following words:
i am love
i am light
i wanted to send compassion out to a person who i have been resistant to but then stopped myself and realize that i i needed to send it to myself first. this is my practice. to not override my own needs to try and forgive someone else first. i need to love and be gentle on myself and give myself the amount of care and attention before dispersing it out to others. from this place of more self-love i can be discerning as to who or where or what i put energy into. this process of discernment is a work in progress. more subtle information is coming in each day as i continue to do this vocal med. practice.
having more synchronicities and weird things happening to me on a daily basis.
some good, some not so good. but i am deeply trusting in what events are happening in "my" world are in deed needing to...
Day 21 (Oct. 2nd)
tonight i sang for the sound healing after ecstatic dance in oakland. my friend Damian played the hang drum while i chanted and sang the song i posted last night. i improv'd the lyrics and the melody to flow with the rhythm that he played with.
i realize that when i close my eyes and sing i kind of retreat into my own world. i was only slightly aware that 200 people were on the dancefloor listening. it's always kind of been this way but more so at the wednesday night dances when the room is dark and it's easier to feel like it could just be me up there singing for 2 people or even just for myself. there's so much freedom in improv. i realize that i really trust myself with this style of music offering and performances because there is nothing to mess up. nothing pre-rehearsed that i can get "wrong" and there is so much liberation in this...
i got really good feedback from the sound guy and from a few other people which of course confirms that someone appreciated it and it made at least a few people drop in and feel something, whatever that was.
i realize that when i close my eyes and sing i kind of retreat into my own world. i was only slightly aware that 200 people were on the dancefloor listening. it's always kind of been this way but more so at the wednesday night dances when the room is dark and it's easier to feel like it could just be me up there singing for 2 people or even just for myself. there's so much freedom in improv. i realize that i really trust myself with this style of music offering and performances because there is nothing to mess up. nothing pre-rehearsed that i can get "wrong" and there is so much liberation in this...
i got really good feedback from the sound guy and from a few other people which of course confirms that someone appreciated it and it made at least a few people drop in and feel something, whatever that was.
Day 22 (Oct. 3rd)
lots of ah's tonight. releasing more tension in jaw. the ah seems to be the best thing for it. i'm so tired. a flea interrupted my meditation as well as my cat and my roommate vacuuming. i was noticing how the somatic experience of resistance to what is happening is a contraction and tightening of all major vital energy in the 3rd chakra. i was experimenting with melting into the experience of complete allowance. what does the body do when it says yes to everything that's happening? it completely relaxes. it is not using any energy to fight against what is happening.
i also chanted the following words:
i am love
i am light
i wanted to send compassion out to a person who i have been resistant to but then stopped myself and realize that i i needed to send it to myself first. this is my practice. to not override my own needs to try and forgive someone else first. i need to love and be gentle on myself and give myself the amount of care and attention before dispersing it out to others. from this place of more self-love i can be discerning as to who or where or what i put energy into. this process of discernment is a work in progress. more subtle information is coming in each day as i continue to do this vocal med. practice.
having more synchronicities and weird things happening to me on a daily basis.
some good, some not so good. but i am deeply trusting in what events are happening in "my" world are in deed needing to...
i also chanted the following words:
i am love
i am light
i wanted to send compassion out to a person who i have been resistant to but then stopped myself and realize that i i needed to send it to myself first. this is my practice. to not override my own needs to try and forgive someone else first. i need to love and be gentle on myself and give myself the amount of care and attention before dispersing it out to others. from this place of more self-love i can be discerning as to who or where or what i put energy into. this process of discernment is a work in progress. more subtle information is coming in each day as i continue to do this vocal med. practice.
having more synchronicities and weird things happening to me on a daily basis.
some good, some not so good. but i am deeply trusting in what events are happening in "my" world are in deed needing to...
Day 20 (October 1st)
drawing a blank on what happened this day. god i wish it would rain and thunderstorm here.
had a dream last night that i was being shot at by big black wolves that then turned into buffalo men hybrids and were shooting 5 foot arrows at me. i was holding an infant and dodging the arrows. it was fucking intense.
i passed the baby off to a man that was going to be able to outrun the buffalo wolf - man hybrids
and we ran into a church and up the spire until the staircase got so little that we ended up in a new room. it was there that we had a face off with the strange beasts that were after us...
had a dream last night that i was being shot at by big black wolves that then turned into buffalo men hybrids and were shooting 5 foot arrows at me. i was holding an infant and dodging the arrows. it was fucking intense.
i passed the baby off to a man that was going to be able to outrun the buffalo wolf - man hybrids
and we ran into a church and up the spire until the staircase got so little that we ended up in a new room. it was there that we had a face off with the strange beasts that were after us...
01 October 2013
Day 19 Part II
I realize that what i shared for yesterday wasn't actually what I wrote last night. it was wrote in the moment, today.
ha ha
my words from last night:
my love
my love
what to do...what to do
sweet honey sweet honey
so simple, so simple
so simple but so high
how can i reach you?
so simple and so high
so sweet like honey ahhhhhh
so sweet like honey
i want to reach out and touch but it's so high
i am wading through
I am wading through
the layers, and the veils
and the layers and the veils
and the moss grows thick on the treetops and it covers me
and it covers me and it covers me
i am dancing through
I am dancing through
the layers and the veils
and the moss grows thick on the tree tops and it covers me
and it covers me
i am singing through
I am singing through
the layers and the veils
and the layers and the veils
and the moss grows thick on the tree tops and it covers me
and it covers me
ha ha
my words from last night:
my love
my love
what to do...what to do
sweet honey sweet honey
so simple, so simple
so simple but so high
how can i reach you?
so simple and so high
so sweet like honey ahhhhhh
so sweet like honey
i want to reach out and touch but it's so high
i am wading through
I am wading through
the layers, and the veils
and the layers and the veils
and the moss grows thick on the treetops and it covers me
and it covers me and it covers me
i am dancing through
I am dancing through
the layers and the veils
and the moss grows thick on the tree tops and it covers me
and it covers me
i am singing through
I am singing through
the layers and the veils
and the layers and the veils
and the moss grows thick on the tree tops and it covers me
and it covers me
Day 19 (Sept. 30th) Improvisations and spoken soul words
tonight's vocal meditation was more creatively inspired. i used the time to sing from and to my heart with the intention of creating a new sound healing track. i hope to upload it onto my sound cloud page once it's complete.
improv-ing and letting words flow
allowing the voice to choose words before the mind
could sensor allowed not so sensical phrases to be formed
but they make sense...
they roll off my lips like honey
playing around with soft voice, soft heart
embracing words like they are all i have these days
words that match the depth of experience is sometimes...
yeah, like there. couldn't do it. not sure if my vocab is limiting or
my experience of life is starting to stretch beyond what english is currently
set up to describe
so i make up my own language now and then and again
sans o ban vam limshasssssss
sara to ti jannna finlook tooo me.
look to me look to me
i look to you
we look ... we look to we
build bridges that support and last
and support land to land and lasting bridge
the last bridge. no dragon guarding the mouth of the opening to
God's country
the still point. vanish into the woods and cry out for help with all i have
gamelan tribe surrounds me and i have 6 sets of angels wings in my corner
got my back.
who are you? where did you all come from? and why me? you have been
with me since i was little and i don't know why...
opening up the channel i hear a high pitched tone
guide me into the belly of the love buddha and i will sit silently
satiated for a thousands years
steer me into the blinding light of my own true nature and i
will not blink until i am 104
i will not look away. i will not say
i will stay and i will say yes
i will stay and i will say yes.
improv-ing and letting words flow
allowing the voice to choose words before the mind
could sensor allowed not so sensical phrases to be formed
but they make sense...
they roll off my lips like honey
playing around with soft voice, soft heart
embracing words like they are all i have these days
words that match the depth of experience is sometimes...
yeah, like there. couldn't do it. not sure if my vocab is limiting or
my experience of life is starting to stretch beyond what english is currently
set up to describe
so i make up my own language now and then and again
sans o ban vam limshasssssss
sara to ti jannna finlook tooo me.
look to me look to me
i look to you
we look ... we look to we
build bridges that support and last
and support land to land and lasting bridge
the last bridge. no dragon guarding the mouth of the opening to
God's country
the still point. vanish into the woods and cry out for help with all i have
gamelan tribe surrounds me and i have 6 sets of angels wings in my corner
got my back.
who are you? where did you all come from? and why me? you have been
with me since i was little and i don't know why...
opening up the channel i hear a high pitched tone
guide me into the belly of the love buddha and i will sit silently
satiated for a thousands years
steer me into the blinding light of my own true nature and i
will not blink until i am 104
i will not look away. i will not say
i will stay and i will say yes
i will stay and i will say yes.
28 September 2013
day 16
- today is the first day i missed.
this saddens me but I plan on doing twice the length tomorrow to make up for it.
today was extremely emotionally turbulent and I seem to be all consumed by that and forgot to do my meditation.
this saddens me but I plan on doing twice the length tomorrow to make up for it.
today was extremely emotionally turbulent and I seem to be all consumed by that and forgot to do my meditation.
day 14 and 15
om mani padme hum - chant for self-compassion....taken from Silvia Nakkach's book "free your voice"
begin, continue...
i could chant this one every day for the rest of my life probably. this is my work...
self compassion. self love.
begin, continue...
i could chant this one every day for the rest of my life probably. this is my work...
self compassion. self love.
Day 12 and 13
both of these days were silent internal meditations. according to Silvia Nakkach, there are three kinds of sounds: inner, outer and secret. I was meditating on the secret sounds these days.
not much to report since i have fallen behind on writing these blogs and don't totally remember my experience. i do remember that for day 13, the theme of self-compassion came up pretty strong again.
this seems to be a recurring theme that is coming up. and this seems to be the area of most necessity during what has turned out to be an emotionally challenging time for me. i realize that when there is a strong foundation of self love and compassion then we no longer look to the outside, including things, substances, people, places to fill the void we are perceiving in the core of our being. agape is selfless love, love flowing from the inside out, effortlessly.
i know i am pure love and yet i forget.
i know i am pure love and yet i grieve for people who have not truly seen me. appreciated me. valued me.
there is a deep sadness that comes along with the feeling of not being seen for real. there is nothing i can do to help others see me though is there? projections and veils of illusions over the "other" are for them to dissolve, not for me to push myself into their reality. i have to keep the focus on my heart and opening to supportive loving individuals who are trusting and honor my gifts and authenticity.
not much to report since i have fallen behind on writing these blogs and don't totally remember my experience. i do remember that for day 13, the theme of self-compassion came up pretty strong again.
this seems to be a recurring theme that is coming up. and this seems to be the area of most necessity during what has turned out to be an emotionally challenging time for me. i realize that when there is a strong foundation of self love and compassion then we no longer look to the outside, including things, substances, people, places to fill the void we are perceiving in the core of our being. agape is selfless love, love flowing from the inside out, effortlessly.
i know i am pure love and yet i forget.
i know i am pure love and yet i grieve for people who have not truly seen me. appreciated me. valued me.
there is a deep sadness that comes along with the feeling of not being seen for real. there is nothing i can do to help others see me though is there? projections and veils of illusions over the "other" are for them to dissolve, not for me to push myself into their reality. i have to keep the focus on my heart and opening to supportive loving individuals who are trusting and honor my gifts and authenticity.
23 September 2013
Day 11 - Eureka!
tonights vocal meditation was powerful! i have been staying at my friends house and she wanted to sit with me and meditate so we lit a candle in her living room and faced her communal altar. she lit some sage and we started. i chanted ah for a long time. at some point i was tilting my head to the left and right while chanting "ah" and i noticed my jaw had completely relaxed and stopped clicking in the way that it normally does every time i open and close my jaw! i was so amazed! i got insight that there is nothing actually wrong with my jaw except i need to continue to chant and use ah and om to relax the jaw and let it go back into it's healthy and natural track. (this is a huge revelation). i have been to many healers to work on my jaw, and nothing helps it in a lasting way. of course, as my lesson that continues to reveal itself in life, the answers are indeed within. i have the ability to relax myself in a lasting way as long as I have the ability to sing. humming is another great vibrational way to actually internally massage the bones and muscles in the neck and face which i intend on using as part of this 40 day vocal med practice.
the other part that i have to write about is that last night i touched the void. this has happened to me on one other occasion in my life while under the influence of a powerful healing medicine. it's hard to explain but I will try... it's basically a direct experience that nothing is actually happening in this life. that i / we nothing actually really exists. it's the ultimate dream of all dreams. consciousness has dreamt up some grand illusion of world, universe, galaxies but nothing or time actually exists in any tangible "real" way. the only thing that anchored me the first time i experienced this was the music, or at that time the icaros being sung. this was the same last night. i was touching/experiencing the void, not sure how my hand was still pumping the shruti box, how i was still singing, it was all effortless. the only thing that was anchoring me back into this so called physical reality was the voice and the shruti. wow. i didn't expect this last night at all! it made me really happy. it put so much into perspective. no worries can hold a flame to the experience of the void. it evaporates any concerns in a way that of course isn't lasting but it's great for feeling the larger perspective of the universe or the non-universe, as the case may be. in trying to think about relationships that haven't worked in this context, none of it really seems to matter. the void is not a place of hopelessness. it's not the great nothing from the neverending story. its the greatest most beautiful liberating nothingness that one could ever imagine. there's a deep liberation in it because it's the direct sense that nothing good or bad has ever happened, that there is not time, there is no success, no failure. this is maybe what adyashanti was referring to in his book "emptiness dancing". i haven't read that one but it feels like it has a similar essence. like spirit or consciousness is dancing and playing with itself by merely creating a reflection of itself that seems very real but in fact isn't... now go pinch yourself...
the other part that i have to write about is that last night i touched the void. this has happened to me on one other occasion in my life while under the influence of a powerful healing medicine. it's hard to explain but I will try... it's basically a direct experience that nothing is actually happening in this life. that i / we nothing actually really exists. it's the ultimate dream of all dreams. consciousness has dreamt up some grand illusion of world, universe, galaxies but nothing or time actually exists in any tangible "real" way. the only thing that anchored me the first time i experienced this was the music, or at that time the icaros being sung. this was the same last night. i was touching/experiencing the void, not sure how my hand was still pumping the shruti box, how i was still singing, it was all effortless. the only thing that was anchoring me back into this so called physical reality was the voice and the shruti. wow. i didn't expect this last night at all! it made me really happy. it put so much into perspective. no worries can hold a flame to the experience of the void. it evaporates any concerns in a way that of course isn't lasting but it's great for feeling the larger perspective of the universe or the non-universe, as the case may be. in trying to think about relationships that haven't worked in this context, none of it really seems to matter. the void is not a place of hopelessness. it's not the great nothing from the neverending story. its the greatest most beautiful liberating nothingness that one could ever imagine. there's a deep liberation in it because it's the direct sense that nothing good or bad has ever happened, that there is not time, there is no success, no failure. this is maybe what adyashanti was referring to in his book "emptiness dancing". i haven't read that one but it feels like it has a similar essence. like spirit or consciousness is dancing and playing with itself by merely creating a reflection of itself that seems very real but in fact isn't... now go pinch yourself...
22 September 2013
Days 9 and 10
I am combining days 9 and 10 because I did the same format for both and the results were surprisingly... very similar! I have been staying at a friends house this weekend and decided to make these nights simple. I chanted OM for about 18 minutes both nights. What happened in my body was slowed heart rate and deep relaxation. i breathed in full long breaths and then OM on the exhale on a fairly low note. at some point the "i" kind of disappeared and there was just om being chanted. very simple practice and also profound. this is what people need to do on their breaks during their 10 hour workdays to de-stress!
20 September 2013
day 8
full moon tonight!
what does this mean for my vocal meditation? i had a lot of excess mental thought energy weaving in and out of the meditation. however, when i first sat down i felt my inner body and how extremely still it was. there was such a deep peace that i was just happy to notice this. this has become one of my "markers" of how relaxed i am and how stable my nervous system is becoming or at least gaining more of an ability to stabilize itself after the day in the crazy city of oakland.
my voice was soft tonight as its late and i didn't want to wake my roommates up. but there was a real ease with which the sounds were flowing out.
i explored mah, shanti, o and mostly just AH. there wasn't a lot of intention tonight. i started having a whole conversation about what the point of doing this 40 day vocal meditation is. would it be somehow more meaningful if I started out with some definitive intention to manifest something? to pray for a certain thing and see what transpires? should i read some more books on what the best methods of vocal meditation are to get the "results i desire"... blah blah blah, monkey mind.... blah blah blah. and then i just said, emily, all you're doing here is exploring the voice and seeing what happens each day. if you want to create a more concrete intention than you can. you only are 8 days into this thing. just chill out and honor the full moon and sing shanti. ahhh, ok simple enough.
this is my process... is what i am doing "enough"? not usually for my ego. but this is part of what might be broken through, through this process. this incessant feeling of nothing ever being enough to satisfy my ego.
so i returned back to compassion. ah, my dear friend who is becoming a closer ally everyday. i am making friends with my buddy compassion who is, what? still right there for me. after not paying attention to it for many years, compassion is starting to make its way deeper and deeper into my being in a way that is a surprise to me. yeh! i love surprises!
i am signing off now. full moon HOWL...!
what does this mean for my vocal meditation? i had a lot of excess mental thought energy weaving in and out of the meditation. however, when i first sat down i felt my inner body and how extremely still it was. there was such a deep peace that i was just happy to notice this. this has become one of my "markers" of how relaxed i am and how stable my nervous system is becoming or at least gaining more of an ability to stabilize itself after the day in the crazy city of oakland.
my voice was soft tonight as its late and i didn't want to wake my roommates up. but there was a real ease with which the sounds were flowing out.
i explored mah, shanti, o and mostly just AH. there wasn't a lot of intention tonight. i started having a whole conversation about what the point of doing this 40 day vocal meditation is. would it be somehow more meaningful if I started out with some definitive intention to manifest something? to pray for a certain thing and see what transpires? should i read some more books on what the best methods of vocal meditation are to get the "results i desire"... blah blah blah, monkey mind.... blah blah blah. and then i just said, emily, all you're doing here is exploring the voice and seeing what happens each day. if you want to create a more concrete intention than you can. you only are 8 days into this thing. just chill out and honor the full moon and sing shanti. ahhh, ok simple enough.
this is my process... is what i am doing "enough"? not usually for my ego. but this is part of what might be broken through, through this process. this incessant feeling of nothing ever being enough to satisfy my ego.
so i returned back to compassion. ah, my dear friend who is becoming a closer ally everyday. i am making friends with my buddy compassion who is, what? still right there for me. after not paying attention to it for many years, compassion is starting to make its way deeper and deeper into my being in a way that is a surprise to me. yeh! i love surprises!
i am signing off now. full moon HOWL...!
19 September 2013
Day 7
tonights vocal med was challenging. i had a lot of resistance to just sitting down to do it. this might be especially due to the previous day's session not being in the traditional spot that i have been doing it but who knows.
the candle i lit was flickering so much it was making me dizzy and i ended up blowing it out. my senses seem to be on overdrive these days. usually i love staring at the still flame and it becomes part of the meditation but tonight it was distracting and dizzily dancing in front of me...
i arrived at chanting: om namo bhagavate vasudevaya. interesting that this is what found its way to my lips because this chant means liberation and is used as a way of attaining freedom. freedom from resistance is what I am ultimately seeking. being resistant to any experience is the root of suffering in my experience. when somewhere in the body or mind or emotional body, there is a NO to what is occurring in that moment there is suffering. there is a fighting or an opposition to directly what is actually occurring.
i also felt a lot of anger rise up in me towards the end. anger that needs to be sung out and released so that it doesn't become toxic in my body.
so i turned to compassion. more tears at the remembrance that compassion is accessible to me always. i just need to slow down and remember that it's there. a resource. an endless well upon which to drink from and nourish all the layers of my being.
i am remembering now that i love to write. i love to blog. maybe that is partially what this vocal meditation is showing me. i used to journal everyday in high school. i have saved all of my journals. there are lots... filled with a lot of the same themes, love, loss, sadness, processing relationships, etc... but this blog is giving me another vehicle to express and write and give myself permission to be human. i am human being human.
human being human.
the candle i lit was flickering so much it was making me dizzy and i ended up blowing it out. my senses seem to be on overdrive these days. usually i love staring at the still flame and it becomes part of the meditation but tonight it was distracting and dizzily dancing in front of me...
i arrived at chanting: om namo bhagavate vasudevaya. interesting that this is what found its way to my lips because this chant means liberation and is used as a way of attaining freedom. freedom from resistance is what I am ultimately seeking. being resistant to any experience is the root of suffering in my experience. when somewhere in the body or mind or emotional body, there is a NO to what is occurring in that moment there is suffering. there is a fighting or an opposition to directly what is actually occurring.
i also felt a lot of anger rise up in me towards the end. anger that needs to be sung out and released so that it doesn't become toxic in my body.
so i turned to compassion. more tears at the remembrance that compassion is accessible to me always. i just need to slow down and remember that it's there. a resource. an endless well upon which to drink from and nourish all the layers of my being.
i am remembering now that i love to write. i love to blog. maybe that is partially what this vocal meditation is showing me. i used to journal everyday in high school. i have saved all of my journals. there are lots... filled with a lot of the same themes, love, loss, sadness, processing relationships, etc... but this blog is giving me another vehicle to express and write and give myself permission to be human. i am human being human.
human being human.
18 September 2013
Day 6
I took some creative liberty with today's vocal meditation... (it was bound to happen sooner or later : )
I went to a bar called Alley Cat in Oakland. There is a piano player there named Ron Dibble who is somewhat of a legend I learned. He plays piano and knows hundreds of songs by heart. He's been playing there for 53 years! I basically ended up singing 4 songs with him playing piano. As a singer I have tended to shy away from anything that slightly resembles karaoke. I warmed up to the idea with some help from my friend who I was there with. By the end of the night, we were all sitting around Ron's grand piano which has a huge top that extends out and there is a circle of mic's where people sit and sing songs until late night. I was nervous the first song and then slowly started to surrender and give in to this laid back and very informal 'cheers' bar type setting. it was like classic karaoke in the round.
although i don't intend on expanding that far out with what I call vocal meditation I think it's important to acknowledge that for me this was a practice. singing in a karaoke style setting which I have snubbed in some form my whole life. as a singer i thought i don't really want to sound "bad" like so many people do while singing others songs, but i also thought it would be too pretentious to sound too "good".
i had to let go of both sounding good or bad and just have fun with it. it felt like a breakthrough of sorts because it really allowed me to not take myself too seriously. and some of the time i think i sounded ok and some of the time it was a stretch b/c i was playing with another musician for the first time and trying to navigate his style of playing while singing songs i wasn't all that familiar with.
lesson- learning to relax and give in to something i had mental resistance to can be a healing and reparative experience!
ok- about to do today's vocal med...
I went to a bar called Alley Cat in Oakland. There is a piano player there named Ron Dibble who is somewhat of a legend I learned. He plays piano and knows hundreds of songs by heart. He's been playing there for 53 years! I basically ended up singing 4 songs with him playing piano. As a singer I have tended to shy away from anything that slightly resembles karaoke. I warmed up to the idea with some help from my friend who I was there with. By the end of the night, we were all sitting around Ron's grand piano which has a huge top that extends out and there is a circle of mic's where people sit and sing songs until late night. I was nervous the first song and then slowly started to surrender and give in to this laid back and very informal 'cheers' bar type setting. it was like classic karaoke in the round.
although i don't intend on expanding that far out with what I call vocal meditation I think it's important to acknowledge that for me this was a practice. singing in a karaoke style setting which I have snubbed in some form my whole life. as a singer i thought i don't really want to sound "bad" like so many people do while singing others songs, but i also thought it would be too pretentious to sound too "good".
i had to let go of both sounding good or bad and just have fun with it. it felt like a breakthrough of sorts because it really allowed me to not take myself too seriously. and some of the time i think i sounded ok and some of the time it was a stretch b/c i was playing with another musician for the first time and trying to navigate his style of playing while singing songs i wasn't all that familiar with.
lesson- learning to relax and give in to something i had mental resistance to can be a healing and reparative experience!
ok- about to do today's vocal med...
16 September 2013
Day 5
Today's practice:
- 5 seed syllables (tibetan tradition) : ah om hung ram dza
- first started praying to white tara for clarity, hope, grace, strength, compassion, dharana (single pointed focus)
"White Tārā, also known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity; also known as The Wish-fulfilling Wheel, or Cintachakra" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tara_%28Buddhism%)
last part: chanted buddha nature affirmation (see post from day 3) and three long exhaled ah's
felt like i was breathing the universe in through my whole being
feeling love from the entire universe, holy shit...
- 5 seed syllables (tibetan tradition) : ah om hung ram dza
- first started praying to white tara for clarity, hope, grace, strength, compassion, dharana (single pointed focus)
"White Tārā, also known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity; also known as The Wish-fulfilling Wheel, or Cintachakra" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tara_%28Buddhism%)
last part: chanted buddha nature affirmation (see post from day 3) and three long exhaled ah's
felt like i was breathing the universe in through my whole being
feeling love from the entire universe, holy shit...

Day 4
today i waited until the house grew quiet late in the evening to do my practice. this was not intentional and probably not the smartest decision...because of this i felt self-conscious, like everyone could hear me including the 2 house guests staying in different rooms on either end of the house. i chanted with the shruti for a few minutes and then decided to explore what it would be like if I just chanted with no drone the entire duration of my practice. so i did it. i chanted the gayatri mantra for the rest of the time. The mantra:
- Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
- tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ
- bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
- dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt
- The meaning according to http://www.sathyasai.org
We contemplate the glory of Light illuminating the three worlds: gross, subtle, and causal.
I am that vivifying power, love, radiant illumination, and divine grace of universal intelligence.
We pray for the divine light to illumine our minds.- The most powerful insight I got while chanting this was that at all times we can chose to not be in resistance with reality. We can approach our lives with a full yes to absolutely everything that we feel, hear, touch, taste, experience, etc. What if I were to make this my moment to moment practice, to say yes to it all? This is, after all, the true path to awakening yes? Living in the reality which is actually occurring rather than the one the I is willing to have happen but continuously gets disappointed because it's not happening it's way hardly any of the time.I practiced this the other day when I was driving and it helped me feel such a deeper state of peace and ok-ness with the decisions that other drivers were making instead of feeling like each "stupid" decision made by others was a personal assault on my being. wow, it took so much pressure and energy off of me to do anything extra than just driving. so this practice is something i intend to do more of. being in agreement with the ultimate reality that is happening and has always been happening whether I like it or not...
- thank you Gayatri...
14 September 2013
Day 3
Buddha nature pervades the whole universe
existing right here, right now
I dedicate the merit of this practice to all sentient beings
together we realize liberation...(adyashanti)
noticing how much more open my voice is later in the day, after doing a workshop that i did a little toning and chanting at when singing higher notes, my jaw gets more tense
the first half of my vocal meditation practice consisted of chanting a medicine melody that i don't actually know the words to because its in another language i am not familiar with... so i just sang the sounds like i remember them. i changed my shruti box today to b flat. days 1 and 2 were to c major and g (perfect 5th). the perfect 5th created a sound spiral vortex which is the same auditory version of the spiral found almost everywhere in nature, called the golden mean, or fibonacci sequence. when we consistently play or sing the c and g together we come into more coherent resonance with our natural vibration and into alignment with right path. one of my teachers, John Beaulieu, teaches this thoroughly in his trainings. his tuning forks tuned to certain octavized notes of c and g have a profound calming affect on the nervous system and can immediately center and ground the nervous system in an immediate way. i have not experienced anything more effective than his tuning forks. http://www.biosonics.com/
He says that you can tune the body just like you can tune any instrument. when you are tuned you are living from a higher functioning vibration and from this place we can be more authentic and be able to course correct more effectively when we come up against challenges and adversity. i have also found this to be true. being soaked in the sounds of the perfect 5th i am able to hold my own frequency with more clarity of my own boundaries, feeling the sense of being a differentiated human being in relation to others that i come into contact with all day long.
existing right here, right now
I dedicate the merit of this practice to all sentient beings
together we realize liberation...(adyashanti)
noticing how much more open my voice is later in the day, after doing a workshop that i did a little toning and chanting at when singing higher notes, my jaw gets more tense
the first half of my vocal meditation practice consisted of chanting a medicine melody that i don't actually know the words to because its in another language i am not familiar with... so i just sang the sounds like i remember them. i changed my shruti box today to b flat. days 1 and 2 were to c major and g (perfect 5th). the perfect 5th created a sound spiral vortex which is the same auditory version of the spiral found almost everywhere in nature, called the golden mean, or fibonacci sequence. when we consistently play or sing the c and g together we come into more coherent resonance with our natural vibration and into alignment with right path. one of my teachers, John Beaulieu, teaches this thoroughly in his trainings. his tuning forks tuned to certain octavized notes of c and g have a profound calming affect on the nervous system and can immediately center and ground the nervous system in an immediate way. i have not experienced anything more effective than his tuning forks. http://www.biosonics.com/
He says that you can tune the body just like you can tune any instrument. when you are tuned you are living from a higher functioning vibration and from this place we can be more authentic and be able to course correct more effectively when we come up against challenges and adversity. i have also found this to be true. being soaked in the sounds of the perfect 5th i am able to hold my own frequency with more clarity of my own boundaries, feeling the sense of being a differentiated human being in relation to others that i come into contact with all day long.
Day 2 Vocal Meditation
throat chakra was blocked tonight and it took me a while to be able to make a sound...today my ass got kicked by the universe. testing my resiliency, my ability to stand in the face of stressful news and adversity. tears came before sound. i started chanting home over and over again. where is home? where is my home spirit? with hand on heart, more tears continue to fall. praying through song, for clarity, peace, and then ended up singing "it's all gonna be ok" until some part of me really believed that. i am right here love. come and find me. open arms, open heart. where is my home? it's all gonna be ok. making minor notes, i noticed that there was a distinct vibrato quality that was happening between my voice and the shruti box. because I was holding a note that wasn't in resonance with the tones from the shruti, there was some sort of dissonance and dischord happening in my throat. when i stopped after about 23 minutes my hearing had heightened significantly and i could hear with a new sensitivity that wasn't there before. it's all gonna be ok. i pray for clarity. i pray for abundance. i pray for clarity. i put my hand on my heart, tears fall. we all could stand to have more compassion for ourselves every moment of every day. i want to feel more compassion for myself. i am just spirit in form wanting to realize itself so i can go back to spirit without form...but for now, i am flesh and blood and bones and tears and teeth and muscle and fingers and toes. i am heart and soul and i am innocent and i am guilty of not feeling enough compassion for myself. i pledge to remember that this gift is always available to me, from me. compassion. hand on heart. open arms. open eyes. i sing you into being and you find me...ready to leap.
12 September 2013
Day 1 of 40 days of Vocal Meditation practice
Today I started what is the beginning of a 40 day vocal meditation practice that I will be blogging about daily, documenting the transformation that occurs from a daily practice. Initially there was no set intention or goal for this other than to be an open and receptive channel to messages, visions, insights and transformations that come through a consistent practice of opening the voice. I am using a shruti box as the drone for my voice. The shruti lays a steady foundation in which the voice can play and weave in and out of. Explorations in mantras, affirmations, prayers, words, made up languages, and ultimately losing the sense of any permanent "I" is part of what I will be looking at throughout this process. Establishing this practice is a way to become more connected with the shruti box as it's own magical instrument, and a vehicle to feel more deeply connected with my voice and inner experiences while singing and chanting. I am holding the potential of global and individual healing as the foundation for doing this practice.
I am also in the beginning stages of finding a producer to work with on reconstructing my songs into an electronic/folk hybrid album. The daily vocal meditation practice is a means to singing/expressing to the universe that I intend to keep singing on the front burner for the rest of my life. The form that this takes will change daily and I am meaning to make peace with it looking however it looks for me, acknowledging that my way is unique, and starting to remove the comparison trap that has caused me to not move forward in any significant way for many years. I am giving myself the PERMISSION. Permission to sing, permission to authentically express my truths, and ultimately permission to share anything of value to anyone else who wants to listen and is interested in honesty, humor, creative expression and truth.
I will be blogging daily to share what happened during the meditation.
Notes from my 1st day:
- Spirit of my Granny Jones (my mom's mom's mom) unexpectedly appeared and was sitting on my bed behind me (whoa, don't think I have ever had a visit from her spirit!)
- I could feel the lineage of woman and my ancestors in a row behind me
- the sound "ah" opens the heart
- the sound "om" seals and grounds
So chanting ah - om is a way of opening and then sealing the energy in a way
- chanting and singing the pain of woman who have come before me
- started singing in "someone else's" voice, my facial position and jaw placement changed and I was making some form of crooked opening with my mouth. felt like it was relieving pain and tmj issues I have had for over 3 years in my jaw...
Ok - more tomorrow : )
Love, Light & Play
I am also in the beginning stages of finding a producer to work with on reconstructing my songs into an electronic/folk hybrid album. The daily vocal meditation practice is a means to singing/expressing to the universe that I intend to keep singing on the front burner for the rest of my life. The form that this takes will change daily and I am meaning to make peace with it looking however it looks for me, acknowledging that my way is unique, and starting to remove the comparison trap that has caused me to not move forward in any significant way for many years. I am giving myself the PERMISSION. Permission to sing, permission to authentically express my truths, and ultimately permission to share anything of value to anyone else who wants to listen and is interested in honesty, humor, creative expression and truth.
I will be blogging daily to share what happened during the meditation.
Notes from my 1st day:
- Spirit of my Granny Jones (my mom's mom's mom) unexpectedly appeared and was sitting on my bed behind me (whoa, don't think I have ever had a visit from her spirit!)
- I could feel the lineage of woman and my ancestors in a row behind me
- the sound "ah" opens the heart
- the sound "om" seals and grounds
So chanting ah - om is a way of opening and then sealing the energy in a way
- chanting and singing the pain of woman who have come before me
- started singing in "someone else's" voice, my facial position and jaw placement changed and I was making some form of crooked opening with my mouth. felt like it was relieving pain and tmj issues I have had for over 3 years in my jaw...
Ok - more tomorrow : )
Love, Light & Play
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