14 September 2013

Day 2 Vocal Meditation

throat chakra was blocked tonight and it took me a while to be able to make a sound...today my ass got kicked by the universe. testing my resiliency, my ability to stand in the face of stressful news and adversity. tears came before sound. i started chanting home over and over again. where is home? where is my home spirit? with hand on heart, more tears continue to fall. praying through song, for clarity, peace, and then ended up singing "it's all gonna be ok" until some part of me really believed that. i am right here love. come and find me. open arms, open heart. where is my home? it's all gonna be ok. making minor notes, i noticed that there was a distinct vibrato quality that was happening between my voice and the shruti box. because I was holding a note that wasn't in resonance with the tones from the shruti, there was some sort of dissonance and dischord happening in my throat. when i stopped after about 23 minutes my hearing had heightened significantly and i could hear with a new sensitivity that wasn't there before. it's all gonna be ok. i pray for clarity. i pray for abundance. i pray for clarity. i put my hand on my heart, tears fall. we all could stand to have more compassion for ourselves every moment of every day. i want to feel more compassion for myself. i am just spirit in form wanting to realize itself so i can go back to spirit without form...but for now, i am flesh and blood and bones and tears and teeth and muscle and fingers and toes. i am heart and soul and i am innocent and i am guilty of not feeling enough compassion for myself. i pledge to remember that this gift is always available to me, from me. compassion. hand on heart. open arms. open eyes. i sing you into being and you find me...ready to leap.

1 comment:

  1. I felt your tears... you are so beautiful .... may peace love and light be strongly with you today :-)
