i have been SICK sick sick the last week. it put a damper on my bloggin
and on my singing and chanting.
what have i been doing?
sleeping and meditating silently, still doing the daily practice but had to modify it...
so i have followed through with my 40 day commitment but due to this crazy sinus infection
that i have been healing from the past week, my throat has needed a rest.
yesterday i meditated down at ocean beach and experienced the magic of watching pods of dolphins frollicking about in the bay!
i immediately felt a shift in my level of compassion for myself and gained perspective on a matter that i had been seeking resolution for. i was able to truly appreciate the simple beauty in nature and to know that i am that. i am that. i am that.
so many changes are happening every day in my world. everything is continuously falling away, into the abyss of the never never land that all moments go.
adyashanti talks about how everything is simultaneously happening and falling away all the time into nothingness. sometimes i can sense particles of this fabric of non-reality (to make a bad analogy) but for the most part those realizations are short lived. everything feels so real and seems to matter so much. my mind is trying to make sense of how it can be that each moment falls away. i know it does.
some part of me knows this.
to be continued...
today is my last day of the 40 day cycle.
i am complete but i will continue each day until i don't
Beautiful journey - beautiful change, love and light be with you my friend :-)