08 October 2013

Day 25 (Oct. 6th)

silent meditation - vocal meditation

in discussion with the fleas that seem to have taken a liking to our house and cats. haven't made any progress yet as to why they won't leave our house. focus strayed on to thoughts of this coming week and weekend. work work work plans camping blah blah

vocal meditations prove to be a means to stay focused in a deep meditative way, unlike being silent.
sitting in silence has other benefits but it seems that using the voice during meditation is a way to keep energy moving and there can still be deep relaxation but b/c i have something to do i am less restless. silent meditations bring up the deep restlessness that has been there my whole life...

what am i trying to get away from?

what am i trying to get out of?

nervous system settling more and more these days. i am filling up more of me and cleaning the house of my body of other energy that isn't mine. fall cleaning. an autumn soul cleaning...

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