tonight i joined in on my roomies weekly group silent meditation practice. holy shit it was powerful.
so much gratitude came welling up from somewhere and overtook me. tears formed in my eyes. i felt so thankful to know they were all sitting there, part of my world. part of my experience right then. just being here, i felt so grateful for all the beauty that is in my life. the friends, the privileged existence i live currently. my work is starting to become a steady flow of people needing my services and for that i am so blessed.
i prayed. i prayed for more clients so that i may be taken care of and create more abundance in my world. stating to the universe that i am open vessel and i am ready for more work and more clients to come my way.
gratitude is not something i have spent a whole lot of time with. i am not convinced it is something to "cultivate" as "they" say. but i think when it comes up authentically, these are times for me to take notice of and relish in. i shared my experience with the group afterward and they listened deeply.
the quality of my experience and perception had changed so much after being in a vibration of gratitude for just a few moments. everyone looked beautiful and shiny and i had a deep sense of ok'ness and love for them all.
this is proof to me that how we are really does create how we experience the world. its quite amazing actually... they didn't change from the beginning to end of meditation but something in me did which completely affected the way i perceived them. crazy shit man.
i'm praying for more gratitude and compassion and raisin' the vibration to that of love so that i may experience the world as that of love.
sweet :-)