10 March 2011

democracy... when is the house of cards going to fall?

in light of recent events in the good old midwest I thought I would take some time to go into some political ramblings which is something i don't usually do. so my blog is now opening up to whatever I need or want to write about that is most potently needing to be expressed...

i would like to point out how it is not just our individual selves that are falling apart and letting go of old structures. this unraveling is happening on a mass scale, a macro scale ALL OVER THE WORLD! the coming of 2012 isn't really so much a "coming" anymore as it is an "its here". PEOPLE: WAKE UP! We are in the middle of major shifts NOW.

Egypt, Libya, millions of Americans losing their jobs, homes, global warming...the list goes on. All of you who know me I am not into scare tactics and not even into watching or believing the news. BUT the chaotic events that happening all over the world are in my humble opinion, the universe's way of shaking us awake. How long do we stay asleep to self destruction, greed, power mongers taking away human rights, and the intense polarization between the rich and the poor? how long do we eat fast food before we notice that what we are consuming is actually cardboard and we are killing ourselves slowly by eating food that isn't food? How long do we sit silently in our homes, complacently staring at the news in dismay but not doing a god damn thing about it? how do we affect change people? We as individuals need to rise up. We cannot be SILENT anymore. It is time for us ALL to find our voices. what are you passionate about in this one life you are given? What gift are you here to bring to your family? to your community? to your government? to your planet? to your ancestors? to your children? to your childrens' children?

at what point do we start to wake up to the fact that we are ALL living here on this ONE planet? There needs to be a real and genuine recognition of our interconnectedness. it does not serve one to step on another in order to get to the top of a hill made of illusions. this dream world we are in is just that. a dream world. can we not intend on creating goodness for ourselves and for our community? abundance is here. waiting to be recognized in its many forms.

the illusion that we are separate is what is at the root of war, conflict, all the "deadly sins"...
how long will we live in illusion? the house of cards is crumbling my dear friends. in the amount of time it has taken me to write this post, there has just been an earthquake in Japan of 8.8 in scale. with the coming of the supermoon on March 19th what is next?

again I am not trying to instill more fear by posting this. I am urging those who feel called to step into their purpose to do so now. to wake up from our deep complacent slumber and get active about the shifts that are happening right now in any way you feel you have the capacity to do...

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