07 September 2014

21 Day Detox and Embodied Love Reboot Blog

Today I am preparing for what I am referring to as the 21-Day Detox and Embodied LOVE Reboot!

In preparation I am going shopping today for supplies such as a dry body brush, castor oil, and all the food for the first 7 days of the program.

I am following a detox guide I purchased from Brandon Walloff called the Health Crunch Detox Guide 2. The Health Crunch Summer Detox Program runs for 15 days but I am extending my total program to 3 weeks as I have learned that implementing real change happens if I commit to something for 21 days consecutively.

I am titling this an Embodied Love Reboot because my intention is to ground deeper into self love while paying attention to ALL aspects of the self that need tending to. The purification and detox applies to my thoughts, my actions, activity levels, the way I talk to myself, the way I speak to others, who I interact with, what I am eating, what movement I am choosing to participate in, what I am paying attention to, etc... I am basically making this as holistic as a program for myself as possible to see and explore the potential life changing results. I also plan to spend less time on the electronics and more time in nature! I intend to balance out my nervous system through this process which is something that going into quiet places in nature helps me to do immediately. And of course I will be integrating the healing power of sound and meditation into my daily practices.

Why am I inspired to do this?
This is stemming from a desire to cultivate deep and abiding Self Love, to bring the focus of my life back to my heart and to tend to my inner experience which is the only thing I have "control" over. I put control in parenthesis because in the context of existential or ultimate truth I am still in an inquiry as to who or what actually has control and is living this life through the vessel which is my physical being.

I am also doing this a gift to myself while I have time in my schedule. My work situation has been dissolving and there seems to be blocks or something to my professional life actually progressing in a tangible way, therefore I have the time and the drive to transform through purifying the self in order to become a clean slate for clearer insights, directions, guidance, etc.

The third major reason I am doing this is to give me an outlet for my Writing / Blogging / Journaling desires. I love to write and haven't been inspired or moved to write about anything in particular for the last few months. The detox gives me a daily focus to report on and to share my personal story about something that hopefully a lot of others can relate to or find useful in their own healing journeys.

I am committed to personal growth, transformation, heart opening, and ever increasing states of consciousness. Through this detox my intention is to have a gentle yet effective and holistic detox, change the current way I speak to myself into the voice of a loving friend and ally, to clear old wounds, to melt grievances currently blocking my hearts fullest ability to give and receive love, to increase my self confidence, worth and value, and ultimately to remember the truth of what I am: LOVE and LIGHT.

When I drop into remembering what I came from, I know it was pure energy, the source of which was love, light and vibration. Being in this physical form recently has been a real challenge for me and I am needing support. I am committed to dissolving shame around what it means to be human, to need help, and I am recognizing that I am in fact not an island. I am humbled by friends who have stepped up to help me over the past few weeks. I am in a chrysalis right now, again. I feel messy and unraveled and undone. I have been here before on a different rung of the spiral. This is the place inside that propels me to transform, to uplevel to a new place. I activate prayers to the angels, to my guides, my ancestors, my power animals, mother Earth, father Sky, to my friends and family that they may support me emotionally as I commence on this exciting journey.


Specific Medicine and Guides I am calling upon: 
The four directions
Archangel Michael and Ariel
Mother Mary
Spider medicine
Elder Bob
The aspect of Discipline
Praying with Tobacco
My coaches
Prayer and vocal meditation
Love, Light and Vibration

23 February 2014

The storyteller, the weaver and the great mystery

I here you still
I am returning
the map’s been lost and I’ve forgotten how I got here
it may take me lifetimes but I know you’ll wait

I am returning to you. You
which gently pulls at my heart strings and writes me,
dreams me at night

I awake fully formed again, the storyteller,
the weaver of my life

I’ve never felt so close to you
great mystery. raven energy
wings at my back
I will soar off this vast cliff to
spiral back into union with you

When this soul rests
it is compelled to create in any way it can.
The silence invites poetry and drawings for my beloved

Why so many things after “I”?
The primordial mystery of beingness  
creativity follows stillness
love follows freedom
freedom follows love
more open hand
all things

Behind Your Eyes

Behind your eyes, the infinite resides
a vastness of space – fierce grace
I am a child filled with wonder and awe
swinging under a canopy of moss and dew

nothing could stop this smile
here I am wasting time
moving in and out of stillness

will you trust the earth to be at your feet with each step?
the air to fill your lungs with oxygen?
the sun to wake you and
the moon to lull you to sleep?

I am falling in deeper
a curious traveler on the edge
of discovery,
alone in the darkness
feeling my way slowly, gently as I go
Sensing the light of my soul is the home to which I am returning

Sensing the light of my soul is the home to which I am returning