31 May 2012

Visionary Music- Songs from the Void...

Recently I have started thinking about what makes music "visionary". in the festival circuit i have started noticing how there is a revolution of "visionary art" on the rise. but what about visionary music? what does it sound like? i know its happening right now but what makes music visionary? what are the components? music can help us increase our levels of consciousness and it seems that this is part of what I am here to do in this lifetime. to sing and create "visionary music" (or maybe it could be referred to as evolutionary music). to help facilitate the process of awakening through movement and music. there are many doorways to the divine and the one i am stepping through is composed of harmonies, raw vocal improv, laughter, and wild uninhibited dance. what are the things that create a sense of space internally for you? what are the things that allow for being in presence with no hint of leaning towards the next thing?

new ways of putting sound together, languages from other galaxies, sounds transmitted through the ancient knowledge of plants, compositions comprised of fusing electronic sounds with nature, digital remixes of timeless wisdom, there is a precipice of sound that we are surfing on the edge of...

as we shift and evolve so does the music that we create. BUT i am not convinced that we are informing the music. rather, maybe the music is informing us. it appears that we are creating it but during the process a symbiotic relationship forms where the music isn't entirely of our creation. something else is steering the ship that we call "me", so what is actually making the music, creating the songs? is all creative expression coming from the void (or source)? yes! (i would think so) so if the void is where everything is being created from and the music is shifting and increasing in consciousness then does it follow that the source is asking us or rather playing us to wake up???

there are so many directions that i could go with this. it might be better left to explore as my thesis than on my blog but i needed to get it out there. this concept of "visionary music" is the next wave that i am sensing is going to make a huge impression on the world. maybe it won't be recognized in pop culture (yet) but it will be among the indie scenes, the festival goers, and individuals all over the world who are ready for a new sound to be present in their lives. i know i am ready for a new sound to explore and sink into, to be enveloped and swept away in, knowing all the while that i am on the wave, the precipice of opening to ultimate truth through these sounds. can liberation be found in a single note?

i am starting to write for my next album. inspired by nature, plant medicine, my process of awakening, among many other aspects of life. it is my intention to write from the evolved aspect of myself, to sing from the depths of my soul, and to release the old coils that once binded me to being small. it is a musical chord cutting. a sound of letting go and singing in the next step in my/our evolution. i look forward to sharing these songs as they come out...

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