This is my first blog since 2010. so happy new year. since the solstice the theme of synchronicity has been glaring me in the face, in an up-close and personal way. so much that I can't not write about it in a public forum.
what role does synchronicity play in my life? why am i experiencing more of what I perceive to be synchronistic events lately than I have in a long time? is it because I am placing more attention on when it is happening or am I placing more attention on it because things are happening that are asking for me to pay more attention to them? and how they are related? it feels kind of like a chicken and egg discussion but with a bizarre little twist. everything comes back to trust. i'll explain that later.
synchronicity... according to wikipedia: "Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance. The concept of synchronicity was first described by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in the 1920s.[1]
The concept does not question, or compete with, the notion of causality. Instead, it maintains that just as events may be grouped by cause, they may also be grouped by their meaning. Since meaning is a complex mental construction, subject to conscious and subconscious influence, not every correlation in the grouping of events by meaning needs to have an explanation in terms of cause and effect."
if I were to look at my life's events as purely causal it feels similar to a wilted flower that knows there is sunlight and water somewhere nearby but can't seem to trust that if it uproots to check it out there will be soil available around the corner where the sunlight and rainwater are abundant. there is something about the causality line of thinking that feels flat. the flower accepts its fate as being wilted and does not make necessary leaps to enhance its current state of wiltedness out of fear of the unknown.
on the other hand, entertaining the possibility that events are synchronistic adds a pallet of color and a depth that feels rich and limitless. there is an added inquiry to events that feels useful. is it seeking for meaning when there may not be meaning there? is there ever not meaning in events?
it comes down to where do i put my attention. do i attribute meaning to everything? no. does everything have a reason? i don't know. it seems like i could say equally, everything has a reason and yet there is no reason for anything at all.
since the winter solstice of 2010 there have been so many things lining up that i can't ignore the strong sense that these events have meaning. when the "right time, right place" occurances happen this frequently it makes me pause to reflect on what this is all about. which is why i was inspired to blog about it. so it feels like a search for meaning. how do i discern what things no matter how big or small have meaning? i chose to look at some occurrances and chose to not look at others. so this is me creating my own experience, and then using what i place my attention on to support what my "beliefs" are. i put beliefs in quotations because i am hoping to be free from beliefs at some point in my life. any belief is limiting in and of itself. there is an exclusivity to it that feels like shutting a door to something else. even that last statement is formed from a belief- that beliefs are limiting. do i know this to be true?
there are energetic particles that seem to be connecting every thought and every action that i make, to everything else. in order to see something as synchronistic i am making a wild guess at how two things are related to each other. really, when it comes down to it, everything is related to everything else so there is no possible way that i could know why two things are seeming to stand out as being "more" related in one instance. again, it comes back to choosing what i put my attention on.
what has meaning for me? what am i attempting to derive out of my experiences? love? pain? sadness? what is special in this world? am i special? is the person in front of me in line at the store someone i should know if we are buying the same 3 items? i think of a person i haven't thought of in months. i see them at the grocery store that i randomly went to to buy three things. they give me there number. is there meaning here? is there anything deeper at play here or am i searching for depth that exists only in the questioning but not in reality?
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